Find large files taking up space
du -s * | sort -n
Replacement for Google
MMSC 1.How did I found out_ Just a simple command I got from development:
This will make the front-end module do more tracing into /var/mmsc-2.1/frontend/error_log.xxxxx also about the parsing of configuration files. To go back to the original situation you can unset this variable TRC_INITIAL_LEVEL.
Generate snmp traps
# Script to check snmp traps sent to topen view use SNMP_util "0.54";
# This will load the BER and SNMP_Session for us
snmptrap("public@", ".", "SimonTest");
netstat -an | grep tcp | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c
#Compares two files on to hosts
file1="/tmp/file1.txt" file2="/tmp/file2.txt"
cat /dev/null > $file1
cat /dev/null > $file2
until [ -s $file1 ]
do rsh mms1b1n1 "cat /etc/hosts" > $file1
until [ -s $file2 ]
do rsh mms1b1n2 "cat /etc/hosts" > $file2
sdiff $file1 $file2
view evmget | evmshow -t "@timestamp [@priority] @@" | more
With tru64 you can get to the compag insight manager via port 2301 using a web browser Open a new Internet Explorer enter the following URLs:
http://:20550/mmh/info: This page is available for release 2.1-02 and up. - http://:20550/mmh/snmpinfo: http://:20550/mmh/messagebrowse: This display the contents of the MMH. The From Message field contains the first message id to be looked and the combo box indicates the number of messages to be displayed. If detailed is entered, the output gives an overview of the database content. The output can be retrieved via telnet: # telnet 20550 GET /mmh/messagebrowser?MESSAGE=1&COUNT=1000 HTTP/1.0 GET /mmh/messagebrowser/info #!/usr/local/bin/perl # Script to check snmp traps sent to topen view # Short script to test functing snmp # Author: Simon Quantrill use BER; require ''; # This will load the BER and SNMP_Session for us snmptrap("public@", ".", "SimonTest"); #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Check a web socket to see if something is running on that port # use strict; use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf); use IO::Socket; my $http_method = shift || 'GET'; my $http_server = shift || ''; my $html_page = shift || '/mmh/messagebrowser?MESSAGE=1&COUNT=50'; my $http_obj = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $http_server, PeerPort => 20550, Proto => 'tcp' ) or die "wwwb: could not create socket object: $!n"; print $http_obj "$http_method $html_page HTTP/1.0$CRLF$CRLF"; while ( my $line = <$http_obj> ) { $line =~ s/$CR?$LF/n/; print $line; } $http_obj->close;
For any feedback or corrections, please write in to: Simon Quantrill