Service run-levels Debian

By: Simon Quantrill On: Tue 13 January 2015
In: Unknown
  • 0 System Halt
  • 1 Single user
  • 2 Full multi-user mode (Default)
  • 3-5 Same as 2
  • 6 System Reboot Run levels 2 through 5 are full multi-user mode and are the same in a default User Linux (Debian) system. It is a common practice in other Linux distributions to use run level 3 for a text console login and run level 5 for a graphical login.

/etc/rc0.d Run level 0 /etc/rc1.d Run level 1 /etc/rc2.d Run level 2 /etc/rc3.d Run level 3 /etc/rc4.d Run level 4 /etc/rc5.d Run level 5 /etc/rc6.d Run level 6 Find your current run level using


To add services to runlevels:

aptitude install sysv-rc-conf run this tool and you get to see all the runlevels and stop and start all sorts of stuff really cool!

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