How I replicate my Bash enviroment circa 2008

By: Simon Quantrill On: Wed 14 January 2015
In: Unknown
Tags: #bash

Being a linux guy at heart, I normally use the bash environment, each time I logged in to a different server I needed to setup a completely new environment for bash. here is my original from 2008 ;)

At the top of your .bashrc script add this:

VERSION="1.1.4" VDATE="13/03/2008"

case $- in i) echo "Simon's BASH Login Scripts -- Version $VERSION ($VDATE)" ;; esac

Each time you change something make sure you change the version and the date..

in your ~/bin directory create a bash script called profileupdate

$ cat profileupdate


This file should have one account per line


Files to copy

copy_files='/home/quantrill/.vim/colors/desert256.vim .vimrc .bashrc '

Go to our home directory

cd ~ do_account() { # $1 contains string "user@host" echo " $1 "

# Create ~/.ssh (if necessary), copy authorized_keys file ssh -T "$1" \ 'umask 077; mkdir -p ~/.ssh; cat > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2' \ < ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 || { echo "Failed to create authorized_keys2 file on $1!" >&2 return 1 } # Now, copy other files over scp $copy_files "$1:~/" || { echo "Failed to copy files to $1!" >&2 return 1 } }

for account in cat "$acct_list" ; do if [ -z "$" ] ; then # No arguments specified, so do every host do_account $account else for arg ; do if [ "$arg" = "${account#@}" ] ; then # Host was specified on command line do_account $account fi done fi done

Next create a file in ~/etc called accounts The format of this file is @

quantrill@servername0 quantrill@servername1 quantrill@servername2 quantrill@servername3

You need to make sure that you have added you ssh key to all of these accounts

$ ssh-copy-id @

You will have to give your password

make sure you can login with no password issue ssh @ you should login with your key only.

If this is a success then you are almost there.

run ~/bin/profileupdate


$ ./profileupdate

quantrill@servername1 ssh: connect to host servername1 port 22: No route to host Failed to create authorized_keys2 file on quantrill@servername1!

quantrill@servername2 desert256.vim 100% 10KB 10.2KB/s 00:00 .vimrc 100% 23KB 23.4KB/s 00:00 .bashrc 100% 2984 2.9KB/s 00:00

here servername1 failed check ssh keys and if you can connect servername2 was a success.

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For any feedback or corrections, please write in to: Simon Quantrill